1 December 2010

Do you know your hair?

 One of my worse habits is dying my hair.
I've gone through pretty much every colour. Light to dark & dark to light.
I like change & sadly, my hair suffers for it. Luckily the last two years I have been training in hairdressing and now know how to look after my hair properly.

I knew before my training that all heat related products from hair straighteners to the sun- damage your hair. Too much heat is defiantly a serious cause to dry brittle hair. You need to protect your hair as well as you can to avoid your hair eventually breaking from the root! But what I didn't know was things like having a poor diet, not exercising, not drinking enough water or having a hectic stressful lifestyle also has an unpleasant effect on your hairs condition.

Before I studied hairdressing I realised my hair had taken a sudden stop in growing. Now my hair hardly grew as it was but it soon became obvious that it wasn't getting anywhere fast.

This was until I understood the different stages of hair growth, I've tried to put it in simple terms- 

  1. Anagen- This is the stage where the hair actively grows.
  2. Catagen- This is known as the 'transistion' stage, the hair begins to stop growing.
  3. Telogen- This stage is when the hair stops growing and takes a break.
  4. Anagen- The cycle begins again.  

 Psst, Want to know a secret?

If you have hair that hardly grows like me,
then you'd understand the frustration that grows when your hair isn't.
Oh, this is no laughing matter my friend.
But worry no more, as this will work miracles...

D.I.Y or ask a friend ;-) 
Using the tips of your fingers, gently but firmly massage your head/scalp in circular motions. Work your way around from the top of your head to the bottom. This increases the blood flow in your head and will help your hair grow.
This defiantly works as I do it myself :-)
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I hope I helped! Love R xxxxx